You are currently browsing the monthly archive for November 2013.

Trying to be thankful for the numerous lessons in patience today! Man.

Subway (the Walmart one) had one person working – and well, you can just imagine how long that took; after getting my supplies, the Walmart register locked up when I went to pay – and the girl said they just have to wait until it unfreezes before proceeding (I did make her laugh to lighten her mood); the traffic is crazy; and I’m REALLY missing Keith right about now!

So, I just took a moment to breathe, take in the scenes, and listen… I see people of all walks of life who are mostly walking dead men or women who need Christ, I sense a deep compassion in my heart for all of them, I see a little girl whose Mom is publicly being very mean to her in one of the aisles – probably because she is stressed to the max and the kid is crying for a toy, and then I see my kid – so precious, a true gift from the Father who has brightened my life a million times since she entered it and whose voice is as sweet as sugar…and as I pause to take it all in, I’m very aware of how indeed blessed I am. I know Christ’s love, I’ve experienced His glory, and I have a wonderful family to share my life with. I’m very thankful for today’s delays – they caused me to pause.

Today, I’m thankful for security. Security in Christ. Security in who He called me to be. For years I worried about what others thought of me. I even wished I could be someone else. I’m so grateful, several years ago, while in a self-pity induced depression (wearing a mask of smiles so no one would know), He revealed His great love for me and His great longing for me to be the real me He created me to be. I will never forget that day as long as I live; as He opened my eyes, I was blinded by His love, my heart was seared and cleansed by His longing, His desire, the deep calling to the deep inside of me, awakening the real Margie. Everything became brighter, I was more alive, the depression was gone, joy returned, hurts were forgiven and forgotten, the pains of loss replaced with an obscure knowing that the future holds hope. That day, my Bible fell open to, Zephaniah 3:17, “The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” That day I found security. True security. Not man-made or self-created, because I know firsthand, that is temporal and fake. This kind of security comes from Christ alone. Do I sometimes forget? Yes. But, I’m so thankful that my experience was so real and tangible that when I do begin to slump, I remember! I get my eyes off of others and myself and look at Him and remember what He spoke to me.

So thankful for security.
