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People will DIS your APPOINTMENT!

dis – speak disrespectfully to or criticize.
appointment – 1. an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time and place; 2. an act of appointing; assigning a job or position to someone. Establish, ordain, decree.

I’m not talking about being disappointed in someone or something. I’m talking about your divine APPOINTMENTS! God has established, decreed, and ordained you for greatness. He’s set for you divine appointments with destiny. In this process of life, we’ve been ordained to grow, to move forward, to increase in every area of living (Psalm 115:14). He wants us to be positioned in the right direction when we come to the crossroads of decision in life. He wants our feet facing the correct path when we come to the junctions of life changing resolution. Just beyond the intersection, if you’ve chosen the right path, your appointment with destiny awaits. That particular time and place is just ahead. And when those times come, there will inevitably be people around you who will dis your appointments. They will speak disrespectfully to and criticize your divine assignment. For whatever reason; jealousy (being one of the main ones), selfishness (because it will effect them in a way they don’t want), fear (because they think they know best), among other reasons. The thing is, you cannot let it stop you! Once you know it’s your appointment ordained by God, let hell or high water come – don’t let them stop you.

Think of Esther in the Bible. I’m sure if she had listened to those around her, they would have told her to not go see the king uninvited. The law stated that he could have her head taken off for approaching him without a proper invitation. Yet, she knew she had a divine appointment. She came to a crucial crossroads in her life. She had come into the kingdom “for such a time as this”. Her divine appointment saved an entire race of people.

Paul had an appointment to preach the Gospel no matter the cost. Faithful friends and followers urged him to not go. They dissed his appointment. If he had listened to them, what would the outcome have been? His divine appointment changes lives to this very day!

If Christ had listened to His beloved disciples, or the temptations of the devil, or even his own emotions dissing his appointment, where would we be today? His divine appointment is eternal redemption and deliverance for those who accept the gift of life!

At every major junction in Keith’s and my life, there were “dissers”. When we moved from all we’d known in our lives to take on a pastoral position of a church that was literally dying (over 12 years ago now) – people told us we’d never survive. They told us we were crazy. They told us it wouldn’t work. The core leaders of that church are still very strong to this day as a result of our love and nurturing. When we moved from there back to our hometown, people made us feel bad, not because they didn’t love us, but because they were scared. We were, too! But, we knew we couldn’t give in to fears. It was in our time back there that God blessed us with a beautiful baby girl who needed to come into our lives in the appointed time and place God had assigned! Then, three years later, God brought us to yet another juncture in our lives. We knew this one would be the biggest one yet. Again, dissers were within earshot. By this point, we’d become accustomed to them and it was much easier to ignore them and hear God. Since then, we have seen tremendous growth in ourselves and in the people we lead.

I know many of you have had similar experiences. You may be going through something akin right now.

People will DIS your APPOINTMENT. It’s guaranteed. But, don’t let it keep you from the appointment God has made for you. Don’t allow their dissing to confuse you, to out-scream what the Holy Spirit has whispered to your heart, to cause you to doubt what you’ve grasped in faith. You can bet your bottom dollar that it will grow you, move you forward, and increase you in every area of your life. In the end, that’s a thousand times better than allowing disappointment to paralyze you!

“Hey! Yeah, you! You dissin’ my appointment? I don’t care!”

Now, get on to your divine assignments!

#ignorethenaysayers #dontdiss
